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Fostering creativity and developing nature connections is a way to engage with nature all year round. Our programs are based in experiences developed out of our own art practices. Nature offers a continual source of creative inspiration that we all have access to when we take the time to observe the natural world.


Working with Wood is like Meditation for the Hands


Wood crafts have the ability to quiet the busiest mind and calm the most over-worked nervous system. Woodworking is a natural instinct we all have, from the first hunting tools ever crafted to the most elaborately weaved baskets. Todays world of technology has automation taking over most of our daily tasks and our ability to work with our hands may be falling to the wayside. Our woodworking programs are designed to address this with a range of projects appealing to all skill levels.



Forest Crafts


Our forest craft programs allow you a chance to try your hand at carving and whittling. Using materials gathered sustainably from nature, a range of projects are offered with various techniques explored. Learn about various properties of wood and how to identify trees in nature.



Garden Sculpture


Hand-crafted garden sculptures are an ideal blend of rustic elegance, charm and creativity. Garden sculpture workshops are inspired by the beauty of a fallen branch, broken bough or the tender twigs of freshly pruned shrub. Projects include plant stands, trellis and arbors. Tools provided with a focus on various techniques producing original garden pieces.​


Drawing as a Way of Seeing Nature


The practice of keeping a nature journal can be adopted by anyone. It is a technique used to study the natural world and only requires your time and attention.


Nature journalling is an effective tool that opens a pathway of inquiry that begins with your own observations and experience.


Nature Journals can include:


  1. Pencil, pen or drawing in colour

  2. Written notes of personal observation

  3. Notation of date, time and season

  4. Measurements, charts, calculations

  5. Clippings, cuttings and samples

  6. Questions and comments

  7. Inspiring quotes

  8. Poetry and prose

  9. Leaf and tree rubbings

  10. Shadow drawings and tracings

  11. Lists of birds, plants, insects and animals observed


When you keep a nature journal you're developing a foundation in learning that stems from the meeting place of science, nature and art.


Walking in Nature is the Antidote to Stress

Many studies demonstrate how time spent outdoors has a positive impact on our health and well-being. Being in nature lowers blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduces anxiety and nervous system arousal while also enhancing immune system function, self-esteem, and mood improvement. We will be offering a series of themed nature walks throughout the year with various topics explored. Nature walks are also a key component to the creative programs we offer. 



Growing Nature Connections 

Nature Gardens is fully insured.

We are serving Muskoka and the surrounding region.​

Phone:    416-871-5132             


© 2023 created by Jen Falvy

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